A complete platform for building web applications.


Seeder allow your application to seed it's information and other data in database, file name must be in YYYYMMDDHHIISS + application name + .php format.


php creator make seeder todo

20160907085156_todo.php Created

The file:

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Todo_Seeder extends ER_Seeder {

     * Class constructor
     * @return  void
    function __construct(){

     * prepare the seeds array
     * @return  void
    public function setup()
        // seeds array
        // $this->seeds[''] = [];

    // seeding 
    public function up()
        // prepare seeds array
        // seeding the seeds

    // un-seeding 
    public function down()
        // prepare seeds array
        // delete the seeded data
        foreach ($this->seeds as $table => $rows)
            foreach ($rows as $key => $where)
                get_instance()->db->delete($table, $where);

Now we will edit the $this->seeds array to install our application in applications system.

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Todo_Seeder extends ER_Seeder {

     * Class constructor
     * @return  void
    function __construct(){

     * prepare the seeds array
     * @return  void
    public function setup()
        // seeds array
        $this->seeds['er_apps'] = array(
                'app_path'      => 'Todo',
                'app_icon'      => 'fa fa-list',
                'app_menu'      => App_model::MENU_SHOW,
                'app_access'    => App_model::ACCESS_AUTHORIZED,
                'app_status'    => App_model::STATUS_ACTIVE,
                'app_path'      => 'Todo/Category',
                'app_icon'      => 'fa fa-list',
                'app_menu'      => App_model::MENU_SHOW,
                'app_access'    => App_model::ACCESS_AUTHORIZED,
                'app_status'    => App_model::STATUS_ACTIVE
                'app_path'      => 'Todo/Task',
                'app_icon'      => 'fa fa-list',
                'app_menu'      => App_model::MENU_SHOW,
                'app_access'    => App_model::ACCESS_AUTHORIZED,
                'app_status'    => App_model::STATUS_ACTIVE

    // seeding 
    public function up()
        // prepare seeds array
        // seeding the seeds

    // un-seeding 
    public function down()
        // prepare seeds array
        // delete the seeded data
        foreach ($this->seeds as $table => $rows)
            foreach ($rows as $key => $where)
                get_instance()->db->delete($table, $where);

We need some constants from Admin/App_modle model, so we load it.

The seeds array will insert Todo application , Todo/Category controller and Todo/Task controller.

Now execute the seeder command to seed the data.

php creator seed 20160907085156

Next is the Models.